We open source this SDK so researchers can wrap their own audio models and run them in a DAW using our Neutone FX Plugin. We offer both functionality for loading the models locally in the plugin as well as contributing them to the default list of models that is available to anyone running the plugin. We hope this will both give an opportunity for researchers to easily try their models in a DAW, but also provide creators with a collection of interesting models.

Examples and Notebooks

v1 Release

The Neutone SDK is currently on version 1.0.0. Models exported with this version of the SDK will be incompatible with beta versions of the plugin to please make sure you are using the right version.

The restriction for a sampling rate of 48kHz and a buffer size of 2048 is now gone and the SDK contains a wrapper that supports on the fly resampling and queueing to accomodate the requirements of both the models and the DAW thanks to great work by @christhetree.

The following are known shortcomings:

Logs are currently dumped to /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Neutone/NeutoneFX/neutone.log

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